0800 542 435

Social Justice

LIA is a champion of people’s rights, working to solve the underlying causes of the problems they face. We think it is important that everyone in New Zealand can participate in their community and access the services they need. We think it is important that people who have less power in a situation are not exploited.

Our legal information service can assist you in knowing your rights so you are not exploited and you have better understanding prior to seeking legal representation. The key Legal areas we provide information on include:


We can help with basic consumer rights.


Employment relationship, or issues at work, and what you’re minimum entitlements should be.


We help with issues you may have with Residential Tenancy and social housing.


Children, parenting after separation and divorce, care of children disputes, violence and abuse in relationships, protection orders.

Our Legal Partners

We’ve partnerd up with local legal representatives who can advocate for you in and out of the courtroom.*
*Fees terms and conditions may apply